Monday, August 30, 2004

i look out...

...the back window of my 2nd floor apartment in aurora, colorado and see the rocky mountains. some days, the clouds are low and cover the peeks like a shawl. other days, the sky is so clear that i see the ragged edges of each mountain top, and i can even see snow that’s lingered from last winter’s storms. this evening, clouds are swirled above the peaks in blues and purples, reminding me of a watercolor my father painted when i was eight years old.

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

something new!

dig it:

"the colorado chronicles" is a new blog that matthew and i both contribute to so that our family and friends are able to see pictures and read posts about the goings-on in our lives while we're out here in denver. so if you're bored and want to know what's going on, come check it out.

"the colorado chronicles" is a FAMILY-FRIENDLY blog, so keep it clean, people! i don't want matthew's memom to read it and cry.

Friday, August 13, 2004

hello denver

matthew and i have been in denver for a little over a week now, and i think the weather just might be crazier here than it was in lubbock. one hour it can be in the high 80's with clear skies, and the next hour a huge thunderhead will come up over the mountains and pound us with rain and hail for a while, dropping the temperature a good 10-15 degrees. when the storm passes, the skies clear off again and it warms back up. crazy.

so far, i love it here. i see mountains everyday through my apartment windows, the people have been helpful and friendly, and there's always something to do!

matthew and i are setting up a new blog together to journal our colorado adventures and such, so i'll post the link as soon as it's up and running.

i miss you l-town folks!